16th July 2020
We have just come out of lockdown 2020. If I’m honest, it hasn’t been as plain sailing as it might seem. Not everything is as easy when you feel like you’re swimming and the lifejacket isn’t keeping you up.
It feels like it has been the longest winter ever, and not the driest either!
Not everything has been dreadful though; you managed to complete a full month of no sugar. You’ve managed to get your raised beds and your greenhouse going. You’ve spent a few months with Rob, and life hasn’t been as manic as it normally is.
One thing that you massively value at the moment is good food! There is something magical about being able to taste a different experience each mouthful.
You don’t weigh what you’d like to weigh, but also your body is physically able to do everything you have hoped. You’ve got stretch marks that hurt when you run sometimes and you struggle to find the balance between how you feel and what you think you should feel.
Numbers on a scale don’t actually help with your mindset, ever. But we are still working on that!
You feel energised by things that make you happy – washing on the line, simple cups of tea that are the right temperature and you love deeply.
Let’s hope that the future doesn’t change all of these things; but instead you continue to grow into the girl/lady you have always dreamt of being.
Strong, supportive, friendly but most of all loving.
Love, Verena – your number one fan.